Monday, 29 November 2010

Back to work

I've been a bad blogger this month, with no updates at all. I have been doing a bit of painting but not as much as usual and a couple of gifts I'm working on for Christmas have been taking up a fair bit of my time. November is probably the month I should have been my busiest- getting work done and topping up my folksy shop, never mind- I will hopefully have a few new items to list very soon. Still having the same old problem of painting/making what I want and painting/making what other people might want to buy! I have had a couple of sales this week through Folksy which has been good, especially with the lack of promoting I've been doing.

I wont have any excuse this week for no blogging or creating if the weather keeps up with the way its been going. Ventured out in the car today but only for about half an hour to pop into Tempt. Spent a good bit of yesterday out in the garden building a snow bear-catman with my son. All this snow is getting me in the mood for Christmas awfully early this year and I've got a feeling the tree will be going up very soon.


  1. Love the snow-bear-cat.I adore the ACEO by way; I recommended your shop on the Folksy forums so you might get some more visitors soon.Its hard juggling all this painting,sewing,mothering
    and blogging lark,isn't it!xxx

  2. I'm glad you got your aceo and you like it, thats great to hear- thank you for promoting my shop through the forums its much appreciated- I have had another sale today and it was for an aceo. I think this time of year is really busy and its easy to get sidetracked, think if the weather keeps getting worse there may be a few more snow creatures appearing xxx
