Wednesday, 5 January 2011

New year resolutions

Happy new year everyone. As this is my first post of the new year I thought I'd share a few of my plans for the coming months. The run up to Christmas was quite quiet for me in terms of creating new work for Sketchstitch and I took a bit of time out to try and clear my head and give myself direction.

I have often blogged about the conflict I have between creating work that reflects my own personal style but is also commercial. One thing I have decided is to concentrate on drawing rather than sewing. I'd love to put a little website together that shows the work I've had featured- from exhibitions to zines. Its maybe being a little ambitious at this stage but I think if I can start to group my work together as a collection it will give a true feeling of my style and let people see what I'm involved in. Anyone with any advise on putting together your own website I'd love to hear it. I've seen many sites that you can build one with but really I'm not sure who to go with.

I've set up a little room in the house now with all my materials where I can disappear off to when I'm creating. I plan to submit more work throughout 2011- when I'm working to a brief it keeps me focused and I'm aiming to restock my Folksy shop too, mainly with little original drawings and paintings and maybe a few prints. My last few sales have been ACEOs so I'll make a few more of those too. I think there will be more giveaways this year as well- keep your eyes peeled here and facebook.

So there we have it, lots of plans for the coming months. Lets see if I can stick to them and try not to wander off track. I'll make sure to be a better blogger- that's the biggest resolution.


  1. Happy New Year Yvonne! I have a friend who is helping me set up a website - she's in the know of such things so when I find out what she uses I'll let you know!

  2. Happy new year!!

    I used to have a website hosted by 'Mr site' which was pretty easy to run. I gave up on it after 2 years though, purely because I couldn't keep paying the monthly charges!!

    Micki x

  3. Hi M-J and Micki

    @M-J- that would be great, thank you! x

    @Micki- I'll have a look at Mr Site but i must admit I'd prefer to have a free one as its just really a few basic pages I need- I'll investigate, maybe they have different options, thanks for the suggestion x

  4. Happy New year!

    Good luck with all your plans xx

  5. happy new year!
    i've just re-done my website using, it's free & really easy to use :)
    hope you have a lovely 2011.

